Columbus, NE, USA

Have a Great Night!

Why a Weather Web Site?

Weather is something that effects us all one way or another.

All of us have some reason to be interested in what the weather is doing today.

Purpose and Goals

The purpose of this web site is to provide weather information to my local and surrounding communities. Localweatherplus is a tool to provide live weather conditions as well as current climate data, advisories, radar and forecast. This web site was started in March of 2010 in order to provide live weather updates and enhanced weather information. In November of 2010 I decommissioned my old web site and redirected users to this site. Our goal is to provide weather information that focuses on our local and surrounding communities as quickly as possible and in a user-friendly manner.

Even though we strive to provide the most accurate weather information, there may be times when technical problems cause errors or complete failures that are out of our control. This site is highly automated and operates unattended most of the time. For important weather decisions, always check with more then one weather source.

My weather station is a hobby that I am happy to share so others too may benefit. I would like to thank everyone for their kind words of support and always appreciate the feedback.

About This Station

This station is powered by a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station which went into operation in March of 2007. Live data is collected via serial connection to a weather PC operating Virtual VP. Virtual VP allows multiple weather programs the ability to connect to the weather station and share its data. The weather computer transfers weather updates to this web site every 10 seconds. This site and its data is collected using Weather Display Software.

GRLevel3 software is used to collect radar data from KOAX Omaha, NE then enhance and create the radar image which is transmitted to this web site.

Weather Link software has been used since the beginning of this weather station existence and it is used for reference and long term records.

Virtual Weather Station VWS software which was used to control my first weather web page also maintains records for my weather station and is used for uploading to Weather Underground and (CWOP) Citizen Weather Observer Program.

Last but not least I use Start Watch software. The Start Watch program automates the start-up of all the weather station software. It is also a management program that monitors the weather station software and logs trouble conditions when unattended.

Davis Weather Station

**Click** VP Console Simulation Link for Davis Vantage Pro console simulation. Console simulation displays live weather updates from localweatherplus.com.

vantage pro 2 image

Location of Columbus, NE

Columbus location map

Special Thanks

Localweatherplus uses a site layout based on the original CarterLake.org design.

Special thanks to Kevin Reed at TNET Weather for his work on the original Carterlake templates, and his design for the common web site PHP management.
Special thanks to Mike Challis of Long Beach WA for his wind-rose generator and CSS styling help with these templates.

A very special thanks goes to Ken True of Saratoga-Weather.org for the AJAX conditions display, home-page dashboard and integration of the TNET Weather common PHP site design used for this site.

Also thanks to Brian and the friendly folks at Weather-Watch Forum for the great support for Weather Display software used to operate this site. I would also like to include the great community of weather folks at WXForum for all their support and all around weather enthusiasts information.

Template is originally based on Designs by Haran.

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